All Dahlia'd Up,  Farm News

Touched by the Flower Farm School Scholarship Response.

I had no earthly idea how my heart would feel reading the applications for our scholarship to attend the 2nd annual on-farm Flower Farm School coming this next summer.

Within minutes of the announcement, scholarship applicants started showing up. Many of whom I’ve already had the plesure of meeting during one of our past dinner tours or workshops. 

Reading why flowers are so important for people. To know there are other flower lovers wanting to learn more about growing flowers, well, makes me smile and my soul warm.  Yes, flower power is real. 🙂

Please note: Applications for our Scholarship deadline is November 10th. We will announce the winner on the 15th. Registration opens the 16th.

If you love flowers as well and want to up your game in growing them in any way. I encourage you to apply. 

Click the apply here button below to get on the list for more information on how to apply.