Do people know about this?
Over the years my flower farm has bloomed into a booming floral destination as we moved away from the Saturday farmers market to focus on our local community. For any business to thrive it needs to earn enough income to pay the bills so I did worry a fair amount if we could pull enough profit staying on the farm.
Which thankfully it has. Through both our on-farm summer Flower Shop and our gorgeous field to vase, farm to table lunch and dinner tours.
It has also allowed me to share the magic and beauty flowers bring to our lives in ways that truly inspire my soul more than standing at the farmers market ever could. Ways that our customers love.
Every summer, July through September our customers can first hand experience loads of all the flowers we grow here.
Reminds me of the first question I asked myself when I decided to pursue flower farming, why I will always grow flowers.
“Not only are flowers the foundation for all life on this planet, they are quietly working
thier magic on us. When we spend time around flowers they transform our lives.”
~Katie Hess, Flower Evolution
One August afternoon after my Luke was no longer earthside, alone, walking around the house trying hard not to hurt all over, not really sure what to do with myself, -my new normal, the daily path leading past the dining room table. I noticed a glowing reflection of purple on the ceiling reflecting up from the magenta dahlias lining the window sill.
Their splendor radiated through me, stopping me in my tracks. Filling me with uplifting warmth, a sense of belonging, yet again soothing my heavy grief stricken heart. I remember thinking, do people know about this?
“This” meaning, how the power of flowers can uplift and heal us out of the darkest of times.
Flowers aren’t some frivolous extra, they are quite literally a medicine for us to have in our daily lives.
Life can be so stinking hard and often times down right ugly but keeping flowers near is one of the best ways for us to self-love when we find it hard to do anything else.