WOW…what a summer
Hard frost hit this morning. I love the feeling of it. It makes me want a campfire, hot chocolate, and a big fuzzy blanket.
However, summer is still on my mind. My heart runneth over.
We sold thousands of Alaska Grown seasonal blooms, including new this year 8600 tulips. And the most successful continuously sold-out Market season ever.
We’ve had 17 businesses arranging from bouquet makers, florists, DIY, designers, podcasts, media, and photographers to purchase or feature our flowers in some way. And two social media platforms to prove it.
We’ve had 100’s of customers, opened a flower stand, purchased a box van and 3 sold-out flower farm tours.
Not to mention our first Flower CSA program that was a hit. We had first come first serve and everyone got along “choosing” just the right arrangement for the week. (Yes the program is open for 2020, see pic below)
All has me feeling humbled. I still pinch myself I get to live my dream business of sharing the magic of flowers. This short commercial for the South Anchorages Farmers Market by Jensen Hall Creative captures it well.

Interested in our 2020 Flower CSA Program? Click here to learn more.