The 3-Step Code
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.
–Reinhold Niebuhr
Hello all my Thrivers…
This May for me has been packed full of funerals, graduations and a wedding. Full of endings and new beginnings, eulogies, keynotes and prayers. All the while mourning my second Mother’s Day with my beloved son in heaven.
Feeling such ups & downs many times has me feeling and thinking “who am I to teach others how to Thrive Through it All?” when my own life is full pain, struggle and yes, loss.
It’s especially hard when I’m having a bad day or grieving hard.
Then it hits me. I’m like, HELLO Misty, You are Thriving Through it All so why not show and share just how you doing it and yes this means sharing the lows. Life doesn’t miss any of us. It’s not what happens that defines who we are, its how we respond, how we “show up” in our lives each and every day.
I was reminded of this on Saturday when I was sitting during my cousins Memorial Service listening to shared memories and how he lived his life. My favorites were the stories of his core values. How his example has many family members and friends willing to endure missing him by living the 3-step code of Honor, Courage and Commitment.
The ultimate take-away being and yes its the Thrive Tip of the Week.
“Honor all of life, face it with courage, live it with commitment. You never know when your time is up, so make your life matter.”
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I left the memorial service with the 3-step code running through my brain, thinking its how I lived my life so far. Have I always gotten it right? Heck no, but its what I strive for everyday. So I hopped on Mr. Google to really dive into the code. After all if its good for both the Navy and the Marines its good for us. This is what I found out.
Honor is devotion displayed in the highest most ethical manner in all relationships with honesty and truth; including our personal life.
Courage is having mental or moral strength to endure, preserver and with stand danger, fear, grief or difficulty no matter what.
Commitment is our duty to care for others well being. To exhibit the highest degree of moral character, professional excellence, quality, and competence in all you do. . Always show respect and strive for positive change and self improvement. Doing what you said you’d do long after the mood you said it in has left you.
Can you imagine if everyone on the planet had Honor, Courage and Commitment as their moral foundation? We’d probably live a more peaceful world. More marriages would work and all our relationships, including the one we have with ourselves would be able to harness the good stuff to Thrive Through it All.
What I love about the 3-step code is I can visualize and feel what each word represents without reading the definition. What things come to mind for you when you hear or see the words, Honor, Courage Commitment? Let me know below.