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    Bring more heart into your life with HSR

    Hello Thrivers, I know, I know, what is HSR you ask? ===> Heart Shaped Rocks. I know your next question is Misty, how the heck does HSR’s bring more heart into my life? Well it all boils down to the fact when you find a heart shaped rock it makes you smile with delight and helps you recognize love is everywhere. Thus bringing more heart into your life.  I know when I find one I feel so connected with all of life. Finding them always seems to have me remembering all the people I love, both still here and the one’s who aren’t. My daughter Jenna reveals how it makes her feel in…

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    What I learned at a friends funeral

    “We can complain that rose bushes have thorns, or rejoiced that thorn bushes have roses.” ~Abraham Lincoln Three people in my life, a cousin and two friends all passed away in the last couple of months. Learning about each of these deaths has taken me to a different place in my own grief over my son. In some ways they have showed me places I’ve healed, but in others has been like ripping the band-aid off the wound revealing painful new territory. Another layer of realizing my boy isn’t physically here. Yes, the raw deep ache of my mothers grief lays just beneath the surface waiting for the right moment to peak out.…

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    Before I die I want to…

    “Dream as you’ll live forever, LIVE as if you’ll die tomorrow“ Hi There, I’ve been interested in the subject of death since I was a little girl, starting with the deaths of two of my aunts. One from a battle with bone cancer and the other suddenly in a 3-wheeler accident. Then fast forward to my son’s diagnosis with a terminal Muscular Dystrophy when he was 4. I have countless books on the subject, watched videos, talked to true mediums and read blogs. Witnessing my son’s passing has only strengthened my passion for living and yes dieing well. Even though grieving him has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to…