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  • All Dahlia'd Up

    Sweetpea’s, Sunflowers and Dahlia’s

    Sweepeas for my grandma Mary. Sunflowers for my granny. And if you know my story Dahlia’s for my son. One of the business decisions I made after starting this flower season is I’m going to supplement my Dahlia’s with flower favorites of my loved ones that are no longer here. So far it’s been a GREAT choice for All Dahlia’d Up and our customers. We’ve had our first wedding with Sunflower and Dahlia bouquets and at Monday Market everyone is saying how much they LOVE sweetpeas! Just for fun here are these three flower meanings with photographs from our flower patch. Enjoy! Sunflowers, are considered the “happy flower” they symbolize adoration, loyalty and…

  • All Dahlia'd Up

    It must have heart

    Not that long ago, like this last winter I was trying to put myself into this box of having an online business that I loved doing and well actually paid the bills. I took online business school, which was amazing, I created online courses, and videos etc. nothing seemed to stick. You’d think after having 7 self-published books I could figure this online thing out. I need a business that fits into the Alaska farm homespun lifestyle I have. It is also extremely crucial that I can be creative, active and inspired. This means any business I create needs to have a lot of heart, happiness, be able to serve others and at…

  • All Dahlia'd Up

    The Tears Began to Fall

    Preparing for All Dahlia’d Up’s first Market I was mixed with anticipation, dread and excitement. Anticipation to seeing happy customers love the bouquets they purchase, dread and worry that my flowers aren’t good enough and excitement to share my flowers. However, I shouldn’t worried one bit, after all flower seems to capture people attention. The weather was sunny and hot, perfect…The comments ranged from, “your flowers look like velvet” to many, many, beautifuls, lovelies and gorgeous. I sold all but one large expensive bouquet but could have sold more of my smaller ones! It was crazy fun! The most surprising thing happened though. Handing a bouquet to my first customer of the day…