How All Dahlia’d Up Began
How All Dahlia’d Up Began I shot this video last summer (Season 2014) It details what started as a dream became a reality and how it’s much more than just a flower farm. But even more importantly WHY its also so near and dear to my heart.
Dahlia Season 2014 a Success
Season 2014 was the test to see if my dream of having my own small Dahlia flower farm was sustainable. And it was… to my surprise not only sustainable but a big hit. My Dahlia’s graced the Red Beet Bistro, Turkey Red, numerous friends and family and even a wedding! Which was crazy since I had a late start, was hit with almost every bug known to Dahlia’s, including testing a container type planting system that proved to be okay in a pinch but not sustainable for good Dahlia production. Although my first season was riddled with challenge. Being “with” my Dahlias fills a part of me I thought was forever damaged by…
3 Top Fun Summer Picks for You
“My mission in life is to not merely survive, but to THRIVE; and to do so with some passion, some humor and some style ” ~Maya Angelou Hello Thriver, This summer has been a good one for this Alaska Chick so far. In June I planted 38 Dahlia tubers for a small road side flower stand. They are finally starting to bloom. I shared some on facebook over the weekend. In July my daughter turned 15 and I also got to head down to Michigan to see my little sister. We had a very memorable time. She took me to the lake, for tractor rides in the “dark” which Alaska doesn’t have in…