Tips on planting dahlias with Alaska’s unique short-season growing challenges:
It comes as no surprise dahlias with their showy blooms and huge variety are favorite amoungst many flower lovers world wide. They also can be grown in the north relativly easy.
Growing dahlia’s in Alaska has the challenge of an incredibly short growing season, (only about 90 days give or take) coupled with they don’t start blooming until 70 days after planting. However it can be done with much success. All you need to get started is a good plan, a sunny spot to grow them and a little water.
What you need to get started is
- Dahlia tubers
- Growing containers
- None Treated growing medium, Like Pro-Mix or Sunshine Agragte 4. Stay away from any with added fertilizer.
- If you want blooms by mid-July start your dahlia tubers in beginning of March under lights or in front of a south facing window. Be sure the pot is large enough so the tuber doesn’t touch the side of the container. (BUT DON’T WATER until the plant is around 6″-8″ tall) being to wet can cause the tuber to rot.
- Transplant outside around Memorial Day depending on where you live in Alaska . Cover at night if you fear frost. You can also transplant in the first week of June or until the fear of frost is gone. Depends what part of Alaska you are in. You can also grow them in a green house.
- By mid May your starts should have a good root ball for transplanting. Dig a hole 4″-6″ deep. For longer stems plant 10″apart, for a bigger plant go around 12″ apart.
- Dahlias perfer to be watered deeply every 3-4 days. Soaker hose or drip irragation works the best, but the old fashioned hose meathod can be used as well.
- Fertilize with low nitrogen options or Compost Tea once they start blomming once a month.
- Stake dahlias when they are 2 feet tall. This will keep them from falling over.
- Once they start to bloom be sure to cut some stems to bring indoors for further enjoyment.
PRO TIP: I’ve purchased Dahlia tubers from several sources but have a hard time getting growers to ship their tubers to me before May. Some growers for an extra shipping fee will ship by specified date.
For a more advanced “complete guide” to how we not only how we grow dazzling dahlias, but how we dig, divide, and store for overwintering.